Monday, 6 February 2012

The Cult of 'Innocentese'

I've just read this long but fascinating blog by Dorian Lynskey on the cult of 'Innocentese', i.e. that class of branding that appropriates infantile speech to make a mark with its target consumer - the marketing of certain smoothies being the primary case in point here.

It references some eye-opening opinions on why such branding works, including the following quote from a blog which describes this trend as 'Wackywriting'. Frighteningly, I think the following describes me all too well...

Wackywriting embodies the dilemma of the liberal middle classes: material privilege, and unease over that privilege, glossed over with affected bohemianism and faux-naïveté. Hopelessly compromised by power and possessions, we long to return to the garden, but can’t pass through the eye of the needle. We’re guilty, but we wish we were, yes, innocent.