So, June has arrived and I'm pleased to say I'm now plugged back into the aural world - for the entirety of May I ceased listening to podcasts and hardly listened to any music too, my iPod lying pretty much dormant in my bag throughout.
As the songs of the Beatles, Manics, Clash, Smiths et al have always been a soundtrack to my day, being without those familiar companions has obviously been somewhat odd. I must confess, however, it's also been something of a blissful release.
It's afforded me the chance to enjoy a perfect companion piece to Chelsea's Double winning triumph, provided an excellent 'director's commentary' on my viewing of the exceptional 'The Day Today', given insight into the twisted genius of the man behind the song 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' and, perhaps most bizarrely, has seen me reading a superhero comic book whilst sat between pinstripe suited bankers on my daily commute! (Honestly, I think the comic could be the true nugget of all the books I've read this month. Incredible!)
I must confess I didn't manage to get through every title I had planned to but I'm more determined than ever to make ample time for those that remain.
More than anything, I do feel I've rediscovered the joy of a good page turner.
Books finished in the month of May
It's Only A Movie - Mark Kermode
The Hell of it All - Charlie Brooker
Kings of the King's Road: The Great Chelsea Team of the 60s and 70s - Clive Batty
Touching From a Distance: Ian Curtis and Joy Division - Deborah Curtis
Disgusting Bliss: The Brass Eye of Chris Morris - Lucian Randall
Watchmen - Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore
As the songs of the Beatles, Manics, Clash, Smiths et al have always been a soundtrack to my day, being without those familiar companions has obviously been somewhat odd. I must confess, however, it's also been something of a blissful release.
It's afforded me the chance to enjoy a perfect companion piece to Chelsea's Double winning triumph, provided an excellent 'director's commentary' on my viewing of the exceptional 'The Day Today', given insight into the twisted genius of the man behind the song 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' and, perhaps most bizarrely, has seen me reading a superhero comic book whilst sat between pinstripe suited bankers on my daily commute! (Honestly, I think the comic could be the true nugget of all the books I've read this month. Incredible!)
I must confess I didn't manage to get through every title I had planned to but I'm more determined than ever to make ample time for those that remain.
More than anything, I do feel I've rediscovered the joy of a good page turner.
Books finished in the month of May
It's Only A Movie - Mark Kermode
The Hell of it All - Charlie Brooker
Kings of the King's Road: The Great Chelsea Team of the 60s and 70s - Clive Batty
Touching From a Distance: Ian Curtis and Joy Division - Deborah Curtis
Disgusting Bliss: The Brass Eye of Chris Morris - Lucian Randall
Watchmen - Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore
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