First, some self-flagellation - I sometimes get things wrong. I know, I know it's a shock that I could admit such a thing (an admission that would probably send Laura into labour).
Also, I can be a bit of an anally retentive, holier than thou, music snob. This however, I won't apologise for. I may be erroneously accused of 'going all NME' but my stoicism in this particular field is unequivocally necessary.
It's kept me from falling into the trap of liking U2 for a start. A petty crime you might think but in my world an act of the most diabolic heresy. Recently however, I've had to perform a smart u-turn when postulating the merits of one particular band - 'The Cribs'.
Despite already being 2 albums into their career, it wasn't until their 2007 release of 'Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever' that they appeared on
my personal radar.

For a long time I considered them a poor man's 'Libertines', lacking in the poetic romanticism of 'the likely lads' and in interviews, more dour than a Mick McCarthy post-match soundbite.
I'd heard the singles of course, 'I'm A Realist' in particular (the song that's perhaps still my least favoured on the album), and to be brutally honest, I'd been less than impressed.
I suppose my change of heart manifested itself, not in anything musical that passed my ear (as is so often the case when considering a bands worth), but in the news that legendary 'Smiths' guitarist Johnny Marr had joined their ranks for the new album.
If musical influences were so fused as to make this possible, perhaps 'The Cribs' were due a reassessment. They were, and now I find myself in thrall to their arresting guitar hooks and disaffected lyrics, so much so that I'm in considerable anticipation of 4th album 'Ignore The Ignorant' released next week.
I could be a little concerned, maybe even embarrassed, that I was guilty of such an oversight (I did tell you I was anal about these things) but I suppose I'd much rather be late to the party - as long as it's the
right party. At least in sticking to my guns, even if I occasionally might be wrong, I avoid being another member of 'Our Bovine Public'.