I have however, decided upon my vote and that vote will be for the Liberal Democrat representative Jane Kulka. This is primarily a tactical vote in that, in the unlikely event that the Tories are beaten, their downfall is most likely to be at the hands of the Lib Dems who coveted more votes than Labour back in 2005.
It's therefore more with regret than an affirming flourish that I cast my vote today. I am in principle a Labour supporter - their policies I respect more than either of the other two major parties - yet due to the restrictions of our voting system and, if I'm honest, a sense of needing to protest against Labour's obvious failings, I feel my hand is forced. I hate that.
Were I voting in a marginal constituency I would, no doubt, be voting Labour. I suppose this is some solace in light of my wounded principles. Regardless, one principle remains steadfast and that's my persistent despair at the thought of a Conservative government.
I am preaching now I know, but frankly I'm tired of sitting on the fence. I seriously believe that a Conservative government would be detrimental to the welfare of the vast majority of people in the UK.
I hope therefore, for what is the only realistic alternative to a Conservative majority i.e. a hung parliament. At the very least this will shake things up and ensure there is a presence from Labour and Lib Dem MP's in some of the top jobs in government.
I also have a certain faith in the power of the online community who, through social networking and blogging, have proven themselves influential, albeit in the admittedly less significant arenas of the pop charts and holding right-wing columnists to account. Who knows what they might achieve now. Naive? Perhaps, but fingers crossed.
I wonder what we'll wake up to in the morning?
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