Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Onward, until victory

I've already tweeted the link to this video twice (three times through the twitter feed from this blog) but it's undoubtedly worthy of more attention. Partly because it follows on nicely from my last blog but also because it just feels so timely in general.

As the TUC contemplates organised strikes, the Tory's, day-by-day, reveal more of their true nature to the world and the electorate reels from the long shadow of Cleggmania, this short interview with Labour MP Tony Benn feels inspirational.

Having watched it in full yesterday evening before going to bed, I found I couldn't sleep, couldn't rest at the thought of democracy being undermined by the desperate clambering of individuals for power.

I wanted to march in defence of what I believed. I wanted to start a band again. I wanted to write lyrics, I wished that I could play the guitar properly. I felt more and more guilty about living in my increasingly comfortable middle class malaise. I knew I was merely protecting the status quo.

That there's a new Manics record out next week is no coincidence of course. They always remind me of the true potential of great art to change the world for the better. I wouldn't substitute my life for anyone's but in many ways I know that's a problem in itself. I know I've got too much to lose.

I envy those who I imagine are young, without responsibility, find themselves in life's gutter and who have no other option than to cherish creativity whilst kicking out at the world. If the world kicks back a lot fucking harder then so what? At least they tried, goddamit, at least they did that.

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