Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Snow Business Like No Business

Snow!!! Loads of it! Another day off work too.

I expect it's not the first thing the economy needs in troubled times i.e. half the south eastern workforce unable to get into the office (although the north of England and Scotland have heavy snow every winter yet things seem to keep ticking over up there).

Apparently there's more to come and although it's nice to have days off work, I think I might be starting to go a little stir crazy. Also, I get all unsettled by a break from routine.

It doesn't help that I took two hours this morning trying diligently to get into work only to discover the decision was taken yesterday to close the office!! The email informing me had slipped into my spam folder. Ultimately, I needn't have bothered.

On the plus side, we went for a walk yesterday and everything looked amazing. It was a strange sight - so many people taking to the streets with no work to go to and with the roads out of commission.

I can't remember it ever snowing this much in my lifetime.

We even built ourselves a snowman called 'Lumpy' and to top it all off, lit a wood fire in the living room fireplace to make it all warm and cosy in the evening gloom - Beat that! It was like a day taken straight out of a Dickensian novel.

If only it could have come at Christmas it would have been even better. Still, maybe next year.

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