Monday 26 January 2009

The Curse of 'The Office'

As anyone who's read my 'Watching' pane on this page page will know, I've been indulging in 'The Office Boxset' over the last week or two. It's been ages since I've watched the series and this weekend I managed to polish off the last couple of episodes.

Its genius goes without saying, not just comedically but dramatically, and the final Christmas Episodes are really quite moving. The only problem is.... I work in an office, well of sorts.

Now every time I pass somebody I hear myself asking them about their weekends and telling them, "Yeah, had a busy one myself this weekend. Two birthday nights out!". I'm one step away from Gareth's "Just the eight pints for me last night then."

Every conversation seems to be like a clip from the show.

-Been in a meeting this morning?
-Good was it?
-Yeah, well, y'know.
-Right, see you later.
-See you.

Maybe I'm just paranoid or maybe it goes to show how perfectly Gervais and Merchant hit the nail on the head. Either way, I'm thinking of donning my brown leather jacket in to work to make sure people know I'm really, actually quite cool.

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